Cusco to Tambopata by bus

Bus from Puerto Maldonado to Cusco The trip from Puerto Maldonado to Cusco takes approximately 10 hours by land and is at a distance of 465 km. Tepsa is the main transport company that covers this route. The cost of bus tickets is from S. / 40 soles to S. / 120 soles Nuevos soles […]
Tambopata location map and descripcion

Tambopata yellow fever and malaria information

Tambopata yellow fever and malaria information is important when traveling to the Peruvian Amazon Up to date information on vaccine requirements and recommendations for yellow fever and malaria in Tambopata. The main difference is that Malaria is parasitic and yellow fever is viral Of all the awesome creatures you will observe on your trips down […]
Tambopata weather, elevation and temperature

What is the climate and temperature in Tambopata? The Amazon rainforest in Tambopata is characterized by being rainy, hot and humid, it is the excellent environment for wildlife. The climate in Tambopata is always humid with abundant amounts of rain during most of the year. Both the rainy season and the “rainiest” are excellent for […]
How to get to Tambopata from Cusco or Lima

By plane from Cuzco or Lima The most popular and convenient option is catching a flight to Puerto Maldonado, Tambopata from Cuzco (near Machu Picchu) or the capital Lima. Direct flights from Cuzco take less than 1 hour to Tambopata and those from Lima just over 1.5 hours. Tres aerolíneas actualmente operan diariamente desde Cusco […]
Birds and Animals found in Tambopata

The jaguar The word Jaguar comes from a term of one of the Brazilian Tupi-Guarani languages “yaguara”, which means a beast. The jaguar belongs to the same species of big cats like the tiger, the lion, the leopard, cheetah, ocelot. The Jaguars have no qualms about going to the rivers in search of prey. They […]
What to bring for Tambopata amazon tours

Long pants: Mosquitoes are crazy, so you’ll have to wear long pants for all jungle tours and excursions. Shorts: . you need to consider something like the set of trousers convertible into shorts to be inside your bungalow or indoors due to the heat of the jungle. T-shirts with fast straps: I suggest packing 2 […]
Tambopata tourist attractions

Tambopata wildlife flora and fauna

This reserve and fertilizer of 274,700 hectares (1,060.6 fquare Milhas) of the Amazon rainforest of Terras Baixas, cochas and the forests near the ribeirinha dos Malinowski, Tambopata and Madre de Dios, not the southeast of Peru. A large protected biodiversity area of two reserves acolher mais na 1,000 species of borboletas, corn 100 species of […]
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